
Melaka Alive-- Bahtera Merderka 馬六甲5D動感劇院


此間動感劇院是由首相納吉的公子莫哈末尼查納吉擔任主席的Pekan Legasi有限公司所進行,項目負責人賽夫今日告訴媒體,目前劇院所有設施已完成,並將在未來1個月內進行技術測試與排演,以便在9月1日演出能順利進行。
位於英雄廣場旁,也就是古城門附近的新5D動感劇院,過去為已停止5年的燈光及音響系統(Light and Sound)舞台,並被改造為耗資2千300萬令吉的動感劇院。
此劇院也是配合“活力馬六甲”(Melaka Alive)系列演出節目的重頭戲之一,較早前莫哈末尼查曾在新聞發佈會說,“活力馬六甲”表演將分別在“默迪卡船艦”舞台、馬來王朝博物館及聖保羅教堂同時進行。

Bahtera Merderka, A New Tourist Attaction In Melaka
'Bahtera Merdeka' to display the history of Malacca using state-of-the-art technology

LOCALS and visitors to the historical city will be able to relive the history of Malacca upon the completion of the RM62.59 million "Melaka Alive -- Bahtera Merdeka: History In A New Way" project in Banda Hilir in September.
The Bahtera Merdeka project will be a new 5D experience, a theatrical show with lighting, water and explosion special effects while the story of Malacca is displayed on a large water screen.
It promises visitors a unique experience in which they will journey through time from the arrival of Malacca's founding father Parames- wara in the 14th century to the invasions by the Portuguese, Dutch and British until what the state is today.
The project, which combines history and state-of-the-art technology, is developed by Pekan Legasi Sdn Bhd and is about 75 per cent completed.
Its president, Mohd Nizar Mohd Najib, said the first phase of the project was expected to be completed on Sept 1.
"We will be installing the water screen, which arrived from Barcelona and are expecting the arrival of equipment for the special effects.
"Once installed, we will carry out a dry run from July until August with our 90 employees," he said after briefing Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam on the project.
Some of the special effects include fireworks and 4D seating imported from the United States, while the audio-visual and show control system are from United Kingdom.
Nizar said the project would also rope in the expertise of renowned director Steve Ryan from Universal Studios Singapore to ensure the Melaka Alive show is of a world-class standard.
"We want to tell the story of Malacca and help position it as the world's main tourist destination."
Nizar said once ready, the Bahtera Merdeka would open from 7pm to 11pm, from Thursdays to Sundays.
"The Bahtera Merdeka can accommodate up to 500 people at one time. Entrance fee will be RM50 for three segments."

