
Bersih 3.0 at Dataran Pahlawan on 28 April 2012


428 Bersih3.0 靜坐抗議马六甲同步,也許你可以參加!!

地點:Dataran Pahlawan, Bandar Hilir, Melaka
時間:下午2点 ~ 5点


CALLING MELAKANS, attend Bersih 3.0 at Dataran Pahlawan on 28 April 2012, 2-4pm.

The Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections or Gabungan Pilihanraya Bersih dan Adil (better known by its Bahasa Malaysia name “BERSIH”) issued its first joint communiqué on 23 November 2006.

At its formation, BERSIH comprised civil society organisations and political parties with the objective of campaigning for clean and fair elections in Malaysia.

BERSIH’s journey thus far has been both monumental and memorable. The public demonstration of November 2007, which saw thousands of ordinary Malaysians take to the streets in support of clean and fair elections, was a critical juncture in our nation’s electoral journey.

Almost 3 ½ years later, the aims of BERSIH continue to be relevant.

The time has now come for BERSIH to continue its crusade for clean and fair elections independent of any political party. BERSIH is thus being re-launched as BERSIH 2.0, a coalition of like minded civil society organisations unaffiliated to any political party. Our aim will be to effectively monitor both sides of the political divide.

